Leveraging a Total Talent Strategy
With the proportion of external employees on the rise, companies should take a new approach to contingent workforce management. Discover the benefits and best practices of doing so.
The Best Approach To Hiring Contingent Workers Explained
Discover the elements and best practices of our cutting-edge approach to contingent workforce sourcing and management.
How KellyOCG is Revolutionizing Contingent Talent Management
KellyOCG’s clients now have the tools to save on sourcing activities while providing contingent workers with an engaging experience...
Product Series: Contingent Workforce Management
Listen back to our webinar to discover how Avature CWM helps organizations fine-tune their contingent strategies.
Pandemic Best Practices for Contingent Recruiting
COVID-19 has pushed unemployment to new heights. With many skilled consultants suddenly available in the open ocean of contingent talent, the time is now to both source and engage.
The Best Approach To Managing Contingent Labor Explained
In this blog we examine the problems with current contingent workforce management, as well as introduce the benefits of adopting an alternative approach.
Five Benefits of Implementing a Direct Sourcing Strategy
With the proportion of contingent workers on the rise, we explore the many benefits of implementing a direct sourcing strategy.
A World of Opportunity: How Deloitte Engages the Contingent Workforce
Learn how Deloitte Australia attracts top talent in the gig economy by offering an outstanding contract worker experience using Contingent Workforce Management.
Contingent Workforce Management
The direct sourcing solution that leverages your brand to fill assignments faster and lower overheads.

Recruiting For The Gig Economy
Meet the several unique challenges that the gig economy offers - from high employee churn to rapid time-to-fill quotas - with our five tips for recruiting success.