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158 results
Contingent Workforce Management
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Five Benefits of Implementing a Direct Sourcing Strategy

With the proportion of contingent workers on the rise, we explore the many benefits of implementing a direct sourcing strategy.

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How to Overcome Search Limitations With Your CRM

Are you search-challenged? Our CRM Sales Manager, Marc Mapes, shares his insights on how to exploit your existing database to find who you’re looking for.

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Talent Pooling: Myth or Silver Bullet?

You understand the need for proactive recruiting. Will talent pools be the strategy that work for you? What about talent pipelines?

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Why Events Are the Backbone of Any Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Events are the best way to get front and center with talent and the ideal way to communicate your employer value proposition when it comes to D&I.

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Nurture Your Recruitment Strategy Through Talent Segmentation

Marketing segmentation improves success for strategic HR initiatives across the talent life-cycle. Learn what you need to get started.

Retail Recruiting
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4 Steps to Highly Effective Hospitality Recruitment

High turnover and shifts are key pain points in hospitality recruiting, but you can overcome these challenges and their impact on your business.

HR Events
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Living HR Transformation: Attending the 2019 US Avature Conference

Avature Regional Sales Manager Marc Mapes' first-hand account of what it was like to attend the 2019 US Avature Conference and key highlights.

Employee Engagement
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How Enterprise HR Software Can Improve Employee Engagement

Engaged employees increase business competitiveness, but past HR tools failed to accurately capture engagement. New social HR tech is delivering metrics to improve engagement.

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6 Reasons to Invest in a Single Recruitment Platform

We explore the benefits of adopting a one-platform approach to talent acquisition by investing in a best-in-class recruiting suite.

HR Events
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2019 US Avature Conference Agenda: Key Themes and Speakers

What does the 2019 US Avature Conference have in store? Check out the agenda for the full details. This is an overview of key topics that we’ll be discussing.

HR News
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Influencing with Integrity: Avature CFO Named Top Female Leader in SaaS

Discover why Ana Laura Darino, Avature's CFO, was named one of the Top Women Leaders in SaaS of 2018 by the SaaS Report.

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Decoding Recruitment Effectiveness in the Modern Era

Think Source of Influence tracking will answer all of your questions? Think again - we dig deep into this buzzword and reveal why it lacks true insight.

HR News
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Agile HR: A Recruiting Story

Going HR agile can improve hiring manager engagement and increase ROI. An agile recruiting case study from Avature’s Talent Acquisition team shares how.

HR News
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Avature Strategic HR Summit: Empowering & Connecting Stakeholders

From going digital to putting corporate culture first, several customers shared their Avature success stories at our latest event in Shanghai, China.

woman talking

Recruiting Drip Campaigns: A Proactive Approach to Sourcing and Engaging

Drip sourcing can deliver qualified candidates through timed, automated messaging.

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A Roadmap to Turning Your Candidate Experience Around

Discover how a renowned UK Media company became the "good guys” of recruitment by leveraging HR technology to provide a great candidate experience and potentially save £4.4 million.

Candidates smiling

Email Content that Drives Candidate Engagement

Learn how to make your email campaigns stand out from crowd with content that drives engagement and nutures relationships between candidates and your organization.

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Why Email Marketing Is Important to Recruiters

To source, engage, and convince candidates, don't discount the power of email – one of marketing's most proven and yet underrated channels.

HR News
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Strategic Global Talent Acquisition: Accenture and Siemens Share Insights

Want to set up your recruiting organization for success? Learn from talent acquisition leaders of two global organizations.

Candidates with their mobiles phones

The Key Elements of a Successful Recruitment Marketing Strategy

Read about the recent Conference Board and Avature webinar, on how to make your recruitment marketing strategy stand out.

Past Webinars
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Dell’s Approach to Social Media Sourcing and ROI

Discover how Dalhia Rodriguez, Employer Brand and Social Media lead at Dell attracts and engages audiences on social media and tracks ROI.

Candidate talking on the phone with recruiter

6 Tips to Write The Perfect Job Description and Post

Job descriptions are a vital aspect of the recruiting process. Discover six ways to make the most of your career advertisements.

Internal Mobility
People talking at the office

Make Your Internal Mobility Strategy a Reality

Use these tips to create an internal mobility program that matches your employees’ career interests to your business needs.

Campus Recruitment
Students watching at their mobile phones

A New Approach to Campus Recruitment: The Duke Energy & NuVasive Story

Discover some insights from NuVasive and Duke Energy's campus teams & hear how HR technology has been key to transforming many of their campus recruiting processes for the better.
