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Tap Into the Power of Talent Acquisition Analytics

Talent acquisition analytics should be top of the agenda for every TA team. Whether it’s developing a better understanding of candidate fit, optimizing processes and technology, or increasing the visibility of your team’s impact on the business, analytics and reporting are key to sourcing and hiring top talent.

CRM dashboard with customizable indicators. Clear, live-updated information can help stakeholders make data-driven decisions.

Though data-driven approaches can deliver critical insights for improving operational and business outcomes, many talent acquisition teams face significant challenges when trying to keep track of data. If you use siloed systems you’re probably familiar with the restrictions on the flow of information between them. 

Without a single source of truth, measuring progress against objectives becomes very tricky. What’s more, when it comes to demonstrating the ROI of your efforts to leadership and the rest of the business, every stakeholder is asking for different reports. But there is a solution! Check out our best practices to learn tips and tricks on how you can ramp up your reporting to tap into the power of talent acquisition analytics.

Keep track of return-on-investment (ROI)

If you can’t analyze the effectiveness of your sourcing and recruitment marketing activities, you can’t optimize your efforts. In addition, data and reports will allow you to see and demonstrate the success of your strategies and its impact in your organization. So, how can you reliably track your talent acquisition initiatives and ROI over time?

Provide stakeholders with actionable reports

Data can play an active role in promoting internal collaboration, whether it’s to identify any gaps in your team or ramp up a little bit of healthy competition. However, raw numbers need to be analyzed and presented in ways that help the different stakeholders understand areas for improvement. So, how can you encourage data adoption that drives strategic decision making?

Industry Leaders in Action

Check out how these industry giants are leveraging talent acquisition analytics to improve recruiting operations.

CBRE automatically collects important data at critical moments in the hiring process. It’s collected in real time and automatically so internal stakeholders can see the most current information for improved decision-making.

CBRE logo.

Recruiters at Cisco used to manually update the same information into separate systems. This led to miscommunication, duplication, wasted time and higher risk of error, which has been minimized or eradicated with Avature.

Cisco logo.

ABB uses Avature reporting capabilities to track sourcer effectiveness, recruiter activity and funnel metrics. It pushed its team to exceed expectations – over 120 phone screens per quarter per recruiter.

ABB logo.

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