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Download our e-book and learn:

  • Why traditional career ladders are giving way to career lattices and what this means for attracting and retaining employees.
  • Why focusing on skills can help state governments build a more cohesive, committed workforce.
  • How skills-based recruiting can unlock new career pathways, enhance public sector efficiency and foster a more inclusive economy.
  • How a skills-based approach can boost your ability to respond to changing societal trends and policy shifts.
  • What you need to consider when creating a holistic skills-based strategy and why it’s crucial to support it with the right technology.

When competing for top talent, state agencies have traditionally fallen foul of the perception that they can’t match the dynamism, innovative work environments and career opportunities lauded in the private sector. However, as a growing number of them are discovering, embracing a skills-based approach to hiring holds infinite promise for not only identifying and recruiting the right people but for engaging and inspiring them too.

In this e-book, we explore the multiple benefits of adopting a skills-based approach to building your government workforce, shedding light on its practical, economic and social impact. We lead you through the steps for attaining a 360-degree picture of the skills in your organization and zero in on how you can identify and fill competency gaps. Finally, we show you how to align your strategy and technology to make a skills-based approach scalable on a government level so that you can build a more flexible, engaged workforce ready to respond to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

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