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A career portal showing a search bar and new jobs, and a microsite containing multiple ways for a candidate to apply for a job.

Why Avature Early Careers?

Avature Early Careers empowers organizations to engage and recruit a broad spectrum of early-stage talent—students, recent graduates, transitioning professionals, veterans, career switchers and more—supporting organizations in building more diverse, adaptable and future-ready workforces.

Offering best-in-class sourcing and engagement, events management and applicant tracking capabilities, Avature Early Careers helps increase event attendance, process more candidates with less effort and capture the attention of different early talent profiles through the delivery of high-touch experiences at scale.

Complemented by advanced analytics capabilities, the solution facilitates real-time visualization and reporting of critical metrics, ensuring you can identify improvement opportunities and double down on your successes.

Increase in accepted offers from military candidates
Lockheed Martin
Saved in campus recruiting initiatives
Deloitte UK
Custom application processes managed from a single plataform
DB Group
Reduction in candidate application time during events
Avature has definitely helped us when attending different events. Now, we can input all of our candidates’ information, rank them and decide who we plan to extend interview opportunities seamlessly and in real-time.”

Karli Azar

National Campus Recruiter

Maximize Your Participation in Recruiting Events

Seamless, End-to-End Event Management

Register candidates in advance using event pages, provide feedback onsite with the Avature Mobile App and nurture them with automated communications to ensure an optimal talent journey from their first interaction to their final interview.

Enhanced Flexibility for Virtual Events

Engage with a broader audience and capture candidates you wouldn’t have previously been able to connect with. Enjoy the added benefits of lower costs, fewer logistical concerns and often higher turnout rates with a solution that works the same way for both in-person and virtual events. Manage all pre-, during and post-event activity to remain consistent and smooth for your team wherever your candidates may be.

The advanced search page, highlighting semantic suggestions for a new candidate search.

Empower Your Recruiters With On-Demand Machine Learning

Early Careers provides transparent AI that supports recruiters’ decision-making, fostering inclusive hiring.

Leverage Semantic Search for Smarter Candidate Discovery

Accelerate early talent searches with multilingual Semantic Search. Designed for ease of use, it goes beyond keywords to understand search intent, helping recruiters find skilled talent fast.

Streamline Shortlisting With Suggested Candidates

Our advanced matching and ranking capabilities recommend candidates based on relevant skills, background or location, allowing recruiters to identify top talent quickly. Avature’s matching explainability lets you view how AI generates each score, breaking down the weights assigned to different attributes for greater transparency.

Compare Candidates With AI-Powered Screening

With Avature Early Careers, you can review candidate information quickly and easily, compare interview feedback and move the best candidates forward. The system will also search for other similar, highly skilled candidates or provide a list of recommended profiles based on your job or interview criteria.

Enhance Forecasting and Hiring Efficiency

With predictive analytics powered by historical data, recruiters gain instant insights into previous searches, refining their hiring strategy for specific roles and managers.

An interview scheduling portal showing available timeslots and a mobile portal with a QR code to access the interview.

Simplified Scheduling

Improve your team’s efficiency with Avature’s self-scheduling capabilities. Give candidates the visibility and convenience to select the ideal interview time from a fully automated and mobile-optimized portal, allowing recruiters to spend less time coordinating interviews and more time connecting with talent.

Avature candidate relationship management software allows you to build fully customizable and branded landing pages, communications and portal apps.

A Tailored Experience at Every Touchpoint

From initial outreach to ongoing engagement, Avature helps you deliver branded and audience-specific messages across landing pages and email communications with a comprehensive and easy-to-use content management toolkit.

A portal to search and apply for jobs, and a mobile version of the portal with options to apply using social media accounts.

Custom Application and Offer Management

Create bespoke application processes for each candidate segment to reduce drop-off while collecting all the personal information you need to engage them. Leverage distinct automated workflows to aid in processing applications, identifying the best candidates and quickly putting offers in their hands.

A recruiter dashboard with different graphs and metrics about the students and universities involved in campus events.

Dig Deeper with Interactive Dashboards and Reports

Use our built-in, real-time reports to measure pipeline activity, email campaign analytics, cost-against-budget metrics, time to hire, applicant conversion analytics and program and event performance. Provide each user with a targeted overview thanks to customizable dashboards.

Painless Integrations

Use vendors from Avature’s Partner Network of certified vendors, or provide your own. With Avature’s robust REST API, multiple vendors can be integrated quickly and easily, including applicant tracking systems, social networks, career centers, SMS providers and video interview systems.

Boost your Recruiting Power with Avature

Employee Onboarding

Avature Onboard blends a step-by-step hiring process with an engaging social experience to boost productivity.


Performance Management

Avature Performance Management redefines the review process, adapting it to your unique organizational needs.



Avature Learning enables knowledge sharing, empowers HR with AI tools, and complements or replaces legacy LMS.
