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You’ve heard it before: gone are the days of “post and pray.” Today’s talent market is both highly competitive and overwhelmingly passive, with candidates doing extensive research on your organization before they even think about applying.  To source, engage, and convince candidates, the modern-day recruiter must fulfill the usual recruiting responsibilities while also leveraging the tools of high-level marketing experts – from social media to interactive landing pages to search engine optimization. In comparison with dynamic social media interactions, augmented reality, chatbots, and more, email marketing can seem a little outdated as a marketing platform.

After all, email has been around for a long time – leading to many questioning its relevance and effectiveness. But despite its (relatively) extensive history, email is just as vital as ever, with over 116 billion business emails sent/received every day. Still doubt emails’ importance as a marketing channel?

Why email marketing is important to recruiters?

  • Email is 40 times more successful at acquiring new clients than both Facebook and Twitter combined.
  • You are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you are from a tweet.
  • Segmented and targeted emails generate 58 percent of all revenue for businesses
  • Forty-two percent of B2B organizations say email is one of their most effective lead generators for targeting new clients.

In spite of this, many talent acquisition teams have yet to consider or effectively execute email marketing campaigns, often continuing to use dated, manual methods that fail to cut through the noise and reach their intended audience. This failure to embrace email marketing can prove to be extremely damaging to an organization’s recruitment efforts, and is truly a waste of potential.

Tips to make it work with your recruiting strategy

Start using it right now

Email marketing works no matter what stage of the recruitment cycle your business is in, and remains a relatively easy and extremely effective way to nurture relationships with candidates, inform them of job opportunities, and communicate your brand story.

Focus on increasing and updating your email lists

The size of your email list is a demonstration of your reach and it underpins your ability to influence individuals, communities, and groups through personalized messaging that can be measured later and improved via trackable data. 

It is better with a CRM platform

Coupled with the right CRM platform, email marketing allows you not only to communicate targeted messages, but to keep your finger on the pulse of your talent pool. With Avature CRM, your organization can leverage superior segmentation – together with personalized message templates designed for job marketing, surveys, or any other relevant communications – to easily target the right audience with the right messaging at the right time.

Personalization is key

This personalization is truly the key to effective email marketing in recruitment, as your potential candidate can easily spot a boilerplate template from a mile away. The thinking goes something like this: “if company xyz isn’t taking the time to research who I am before they contact me, then they will probably be an equally disconnected and apathetic employer.” By personalizing your messaging and proving within the first few sentence that your company is invested in getting to know this candidate, your efforts can go much further.

Do not saturate

As a related side note – while email marketing is extremely easy to execute, it shouldn’t be abused. If you want to cut through the noise – don’t add to it! Sending out too many promotional emails will quickly turn off your email recipients and encourage them to unsubscribe. Make sure your emails are truly substantial and filled with rich content that applies to your targeted audience.

Evaluate your results and optimize

In addition, email marketing allows you to evaluate the quality of your campaigns with its rich capacity for reports, allowing you to truly understand your contacts and ensure that your messages are being received and acted upon. Via open rates, click-throughs and conversions, you have instant feedback on whether your email campaign was successful. With deeper examination and comparison, you can then hone in on which call to actions, links, and images were the most effective for future email campaigns.

With Avature, this is even easier. All emails and candidate interaction are fully journaled within the platform, harvesting this critical data which can then be analyzed with built-in email marketing reports.

Banner of Avature's e-book on e-mail marketing for recruitment best practices and a link to the landing page to download it.


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